Getting Started with S2S tracking
Server 2 Server tracking (S2S), also known as Postback URL works by generating and storing a unique identifier of some kind when a user clicks a tracking link, like our Click IDs. When the same user later makes a conversion, the Click ID is matched back to the user. This is done by posting that same unique identifier back to the tracking server.
We generally recommend using server 2 server tracking for advertisers who have their website’s software able to send a signal back (a.k.a. “fires a postback”) to FlexOffers in the code. That is more reliable than using any other tracking method.
Below are instructions for S2S tracking:
When a user lands on your page, you need to capture the Reference ID (RefID). This is unique with each visit. You can capture the RefID from a query string parameter that we place in the URL when we send users to the destination.
How to save the unique identifier
There are several ways an advertiser can store the RefID. One method is for the advertiser to generate a cookie on the landing page that carries through the duration of the transaction. Another method is to log the transaction ID as a hidden variable. A third option is to continue carrying the transaction ID as a URL parameter until the conversion completes.
Using the example URL from step 1, you would “capture” the RefID and add it to the Server-to-Server (S2S) URL. It should be changed in a programmatic process to look like this example and then fired:
- Fill in the “ordernumber” parameter with an order number. It should be unique with each fire.
- Fill in the “orderamount“ parameter with a sale amount. It should update dynamically with each fire. If you’re running a CPL campaign, you can put in “orderamount=0”
Note: The required parameters are Order Amount and Order Number. The optional parameters are Coupon, Currency, Geo, and Commission ID.
After everything is implemented, we need two tests to ensure all processes are working properly.