How to Send Private Offers to Publishers

From your Advertiser Dashboard, go to Publishers > Private Offers > Add Private Offer

Fill out all the details in the Create Private Offer form, then click “Ok”.

Offer Name is used for your own organizing and sorting. We recommend using a consistent naming format (ex. Payout + Publisher Name). The Offer Description will be visible to the publishers, so this field should be used to explain the new payout and qualifying actions or conversions needed to earn the listed rate.

Start and End dates are required to create a Private Offer.

Referral Period is the number of days from the last click of the affiliate link which a purchase or lead may track and pay a commission for the referral. You leave the field blank to be the same as your program's referral period or enter a different number of days from the program's set referral period.  

If the payout you are selecting is lower than your default program payout, we do require a 7 day window for the new offer to take effect. This allows publishers enough time to adjust their promotional methods if they are going to be expecting a decrease in commission.

There are 3 different Offer Model types for Payouts:

  • Fixed applies only one, static payout, regardless of the number of sales or leads a publisher sends.
  • Tier Fixed can be used as a performance incentive. This Private Offer option allows you to select specific payouts based on the volume of sales or leads. For example, the publisher's first 10 leads will pay $20 per lead, then any leads after will earn $30, and so on.
  • If you don’t want to set a threshold, just click the “Delete” icon and it will not require an “up to” Amount to fill in:
  • Tier Cumulative functions the same way as Tier Fixed, the only difference is that the model assigns a new payout based on the threshold reached and then applies the new rate to the total of all sales or leads within the same month (ie. retroactive).


In the Private Offers main page, you will see your newly-created Private Offer. You can now select publishers to extend this offer to by clicking the “View Publishers”  icon.

In the Publisher List window, you can select the Publisher(s) you want to extend this offer to and click “+”.

You can monitor the status of each Publisher application with the “Approved/Declined/Pending” column in the Private Offers page.

Once the Publisher accepts your offer, their status will change from Pending to Approved, and the Private Offer will be in effect.

Option to Resend Private Offer Emails:

  • Clients are now given the option to resend Private Offer emails more than once.
  • If your private offer has not been acknowledged by your Publisher with 2 business days, we encourage you to resend the Private Offer email.
  • To resend the invitation, simply open the created Private Offer, Filter your Publisher list by Pending Status, and hit the Resend Publisher Invitation button under the Invite column.

This section allows you to extend private offers to selected publishers. The purpose of a Private Offer is to extend a payout that is different from your default rate to one or more publishers.



  1. Can I create a private offer for a specific promotion, sale or product?
    a. At this time, Private Offers are only available at a program level, so the specific rate will be applied to all sales a publishers drives to your website.
  2. If my program is set up as a CPS (cost per sale) model, can I extend a CPA (cost per action) Private Offer?
    a. The offer type needs to remain the same as the default program payout model, so private offers can only be either CPS or CPA, not both.
  3. Will other publishers be able to see the Private Offers?
    a. No, private offers are only made visible to publishers who you have selected and invited to accept the offer.
  4. What happens after the Private Offer expires?
    a. The publisher will go back to earning the rate set at your program level.
  5. I don’t want to set an expiration date, is there a way to extend indefinitely?
    a. An expiry date is required, so if you are planning to create an ongoing offer, please select a date several years into the future.
  6. Can I change the commission rate and dates after the offer has been created?
    a. Yes, just click the pencil Icon on your right and it will open a pop up where you can edit the rate and expiration date
  7. I want to extend the same offer to multiple publishers, what is the best way to do that?
    a. You can send Private Offers individually by clicking the plus sign under the “Invite” column, or by clicking “Invite All” it will extend the Private Offer to ALL publishers. The best way to organize your publishers and offers is by making a Publisher Group, adding the publishers you want to include on the offer.
  8. I am trying to set a lower commission rate, but why am I unable to select today’s date?
    a. When you are creating a private offer that is lower than your current default program rate, we have a requirement to give the publishers a 7-day notice before the change goes into effect. The reason is that publishers use a variety of promotional methods to drive traffic to your website. Many publishers project their marketing costs and traffic based on the projected earnings from an advertisers program, so if they are going to be earning less, our system requires a 7-day buffer to accommodate any changes they need to make to their marketing campaigns. You cannot override this feature to manually accept a publisher into a lower rate Private Offer before the 7-day window.
  9. I created a Private Offer, but I don’t see it.
    a. Please click the “Inactive” tab. If you have created an offer with a Start Date that is in the future, the Private Offer will show up here. Any commission rate set to be lower than the default will show up in this area due to the 7-day window.
  10. A Private Offer expired, but I want to make it available again.
    a. You can do this by selecting the Inactive Private Offer, clicking the Pencil Icon to “Edit” and change the expiry date. You will need to invite the publishers to this Private Offer again, the system will not revert to adding them back into the offer.
  11. How can I see how the commission rates are being calculated?
    a. You can see how the rates are being calculated under the Accounting Tab > Reconcile Sales. Click to expand the sales for the specific publisher line item, and the pop up will display the Private Offer rate under “Adjustments”

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