What are your network fees?

FlexOffers.com is a low-cost option for your affiliate program. Here is a break-down of our network fees:

  • CPS programs: 3% of your total sale volume. For example, if the publisher’s sale is $100 and the commission for your program is 5%, the payout to the Publisher is $5 and the network fee to FlexOffers.com will be $3.00 (3% of sale amount). Therefore, the total amount payable to FlexOffers.com for that sale will be $8.
  • CPL/CPA programs: 20% of your publishers’ commission. For example, if the payout set for your program is $5 per lead/conversion, the network fee to FlexOffers.com for a lead/conversion will be $1 (20% of commission paid out). Therefore, the total amount payable to FlexOffers.com for that lead/conversion will be $6.

Please note: If your accumulated transaction fee does not exceed a minimum of $50 for the month, FlexOffers.com will charge the minimum $50 amount.

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