Tipalti FAQs and Qualification Requirements for Advance Payments

Who is Tipalti?

Tipalti offers a payment automation platform that unifies all phases of publisher payments. From publisher tax on-boarding to payment method selection and funds disbursement.


Why are we changing payment processing?

  • Faster payment processing
  • Variety of payment methods and currencies from which to choose to receive payments
  • Real-time notifications of payment status
  • Enterprise-grade security, ensuring your payment information is maintained at the highest security level available.


What if my payment information is the same?

You will need to enter your payment and tax information again. This will ensure that there are no interruptions in future payments.


Once I’ve registered in the Payee Dashboard, can I update my information?

Yes, but please be aware that a change in any of the following information may erase banking information and/or invalidate tax forms.

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Company name
  • Contact address country
  • Payment details country
  • Phone number

Note: A change in letter case to your name (e.g., “amy” to “Amy”) will not invalidate your tax form.


In which currency can I get paid?

The available payment currencies differ per country and payment method. Most of the major currencies across the world are available, including many local currencies. When you add your address and payment information in the Payee Dashboard, you can select a currency from the list of applicable currencies.


When does this go into effect?

September 6th, 2018.


What is the deadline for doing this?

You may register in the new Payee Dashboard any time after September 1st, 2018. If you want to receive payment in our next payment cycle (end of September) you will need to have all information completed before September 30th, 2018. Payment will be on hold for those publishers that did not register in the Payee Dashboard and will need to wait until the next payment cycle.


What if I have questions about this transition in payments?

You may open a ticket through your publisher account HERE


Qualification Requirements for Advance Payments

Qualification requirements for Advance Payment for publishers depend on a number of factors, such as, but not limited to the history of payments made from FlexOffers.com to the publisher, percentage of chargebacks, concentration of advertiser accounts, accounts in overall good-standing, and other variables. The qualification requirements are decided by FlexOffers.com and only publishers in approved status for Advance Payments will be able to participate in the Advance Payment service.

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