How can I contact an advertiser directly?

Do you have an awesome idea for a new promotional campaign that you want to contact a company about? Do you have comments/questions/suggestions that you want to communicate directly to an advertiser?

Unfortunately, we’re prevented by policy from sharing any contact information. That said, can still pass your message along to the advertisers on our network.

If you are an approved publisher and wish to contact an advertiser directly, send your message to Our account management team will forward your message to the advertiser on your behalf.


How can I find out more info about an advertiser’s terms & conditions?

If you are an approved publisher and want to find out specific information regarding an advertiser’s T&Cs, refer to the Program Details dropdown when searching for their links, as shown below:



On the advertiser’s Program Details page, you’ll find important information such as their description, payout, and their specific terms & conditions. Simply scroll down while on the Program Details page to view more:



If you have any other questions, please email our team at – we’re happy to help!

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